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Prayer For my Auntie S | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer For my Auntie S

Dear God

My Aunt S called and was blue,,,,down,,,,sad,,,,

It seems that her small town of 250 folks in downstate Illinois was touched by the funeral for a young man (33) who died in Iraq recently. This is the first funeral they have had in this war although the folks in Oakland Illinois have seen soldiers’ funerals from other wars. She was surprised by how moved she was after all this time as the memories of so many similar Vietnam funerals came back to her.

Auntie S’ memories made me curious about his young widow with 3 sons. How did this grieving woman feel about all the flags and children and townsfolk turned out as she laid her husband in the cemetary? Did she appreciate the patriotism that was on display or did she resent the intrusion into her grief?

So God my prayer today is that you can be with the flag wavers and the widows alike as we struggle to sort through the grief we encounter as this war continues to drag on. Let us not forget in the financial woes of the moment the eternal sacrafices (justified or not) that so many folk have been asked to make.


— Constance Corey


  1. Thanks, Connie. I pray along with you that your Auntie S, and those in her town do indeed find solace in their sorrow.

    larry p · Monday February 23, 2009 · #

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