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Monday Feb 23 Prayer | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Monday Feb 23 Prayer

Dear Creative God

How you must enjoy the spectacle of your children as they acknowledge and celebrate the creative gifts you endow them with.

I am so grateful for the musical artists among us whether they delight my ears with the sound of joyous or sorrowful music… either one.

I am so grateful for the visual artists whether they paint, sculpt or transform their very beings to tell a story to help us learn and experience the lives of others.

Oh and dear God thank you for the dress designers who have given us such delight as we glimpse into another world and see the red carpet of Hollywood all asparkle and aglow as even the least likely of us imagine ourselves in the 60 year old dress of a fairy princess brought to life….


— Constance Corey


  1. Bless you for your positive attitude, Connie. I’m all hung up thinking about the Westboro Baptist Church and all the enablers in churches across the country who made them possible.

    larry p · Tuesday February 24, 2009 · #

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