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Prayer for the Seventh Day of Lent—24 February 2010 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer for the Seventh Day of Lent—24 February 2010

Hi God,

The day is running out,
and I’m not getting this done.
Do you care about
quality in our prayers,
or just that we do it?
That we remain, as they say,
ever mindful of your mercy?

I’m not sure I felt much
sense of divine mercy
when I was running through
ice-cold puddles with Edame.
But perhaps there’s mercy
in being able to feel uncomfortable.
The other option would be
to have no feelings.
That seems somehow unhuman.

So my prayer today
is that you help us remain mindful
of your presence in our lives,
even when we’re not liking what we feel.
I also ask you to please
have mercy on my soul
uncomfortable sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

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