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Prayers | Page 2 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer for the Thirty-nineth Day of Lent—2 April 2010—Good Friday

Hi God,

One thing that always impressed me
was how calm Jesus remained
in the face of the false accusations
and the general scorn he faced this day.
Yes, he did get a bit testy
with the sleeping disciples,
but all in all, he faced
what was to come,
his deadline, if you will,
with calm dignity.

How much nicer it would be
for all around us
if we could effect calm dignity
when we face myriad deadlines.
Generally we freak out
even though most of our deadlines,
unlike the one Jesus faced this day,
aren’t exactly matters of life and death.

So my prayer today
is to ask you
to help us retain perspective
as we approach our daily tasks.

I also ask you, please,
to have mercy on my soul,
harried sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

Prayer for April 1

April is here. WOW a sign that spring, and change, are in the air
One good change, thank you God, is that Joe can feel his toes today.
That’s a first in several years.

You have created wonderful, and mysterious bodies to house our souls.
One tiny gland can effect so many areas of our bodies.
When our bodies are not in balance, lots of things change.
When they get back to balance, we change again.

Thank you God, this day for your gift of knowledge
which allows caring people with a bent for health care and healing
to be able to understand some of these balance issues and
aid us in getting back into it.

Now, help me get myself in balance with you and my own body.


— Joan Kingston

Prayer for the Thirty-seventh Day of Lent—31 March 2010

Hi God,

I’m having problems reconciling
today’s psalm-o-matic offering
with one from a few days ago.

Today we read (Ps. 137):

“Fair Babylon, you destroyer,
happy those who pay you back the evil you have done us!
Happy those who seize your children
and smash them against a rock.”

Whereas last Tuesday (Ps. 37),
and again on Friday, we had:

“Do not be provoked by evildoers;
do not envy those who do wrong.
Like grass they wither quickly;
like green plants they wilt away.”

…and a bit further along…

“Be still before the LORD; wait for God.
Do not be provoked by the prosperous,
nor by malicious schemers.
Give up your anger, abandon your wrath;
do not be provoked; it brings only harm. “

So, in one case,
we’re supposed to take delight
when buttheads have their comeuppance,
maybe even revel in extracting revenge;
in the other, we’re supposed to ignore the buttheads,
because they’ll disappear in due time.
I’m guessing that the second message
is more appropriate to us today:
it seems more in keeping
with how I think
that our Savior would think.
What do you think?

While you’re thinking,
I ask you also, please,
to have mercy on my soul,
muddled sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

Prayer for the Thirty-sixth Day of Lent—30 March 2010

Hi God,

It seems ironic
that just a week ago
(or was it two?)
I was complaining
about the never-ending rain.
So, after a lovely respite,
you decided to send more.
I think you’re trying
to tell us something.
Perhaps that the world
isn’t ordered for our particular pleasures?
Rather we need to enjoy what is
and realize that things will change.
In theory, it’s all good, right?

So my prayer today
is to ask for help
in remembering that
we should learn
to find things to like
in whatever situation
we find ourselves,
be it endless rain,
or stifling heat
(not that I ever mind heat),
or even bone-chilling cold.
Who knows? perhaps we should
be able to find something to like
even in the presence of teabaggers.

Also, I would ask you, please,
to have mercy on my soul,
whiny sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

Prayer for March 30

Good Morning, God,

I know, it’s raining, yet again, but we have been there before
haven’t we!
I should feel like gathering the animals and slogging towards the ark
but I am light-hearted and forward looking today.
Not normal for the midst of Holy Week….
My mood is normally pensive and somber,
waiting for the end to arrive.
But, today I am thankful for new life given (or maybe returned).
I pray for those who need your lifegiving presence,
that they may feel it, and be comforted.
Be today with our neighbor, Carl, who has sufford like Job,
that he might find in this Holy Week your resurection life.
Thank you, especially, for skilled surgeons and teams of
caring healthcare workers who minister in your name to countless
souls on a daily basis (even if they do not know it’s for you).

— Joan Kingston

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