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Lent Day 25—25 March 2009 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Lent Day 25—25 March 2009

Hi God,

I’m thinking about how
one should eat one’s own dog food.
Executives at GM, apparently,
get free cars every few months.
BUT, they never have to repair the cars
and they never have to put gas in them.
That’s all done for them.
So they don’t really know
what it’s like actually to own
one of their cars.
In short, they don’t
eat their own dog food.

I’m thinking that we Christians
often have problems
eating our own dog food.
It’s pretty easy to make judgments
on other folks when it comes to sins
we won’t ever have to face in ourselves.
But, we expect people to be more understanding
of our own particular sins.
It’s pretty easy to become full
of righteous indignation at some slight.
We expect, however, that people
won’t become huffy at slights we might cause.
Hey, we didn’t really mean it, right?
We just had a lapse in judgment.
They should cut us some slack.

But, if we ate our own dog food,
we’d be viewing and judging people
in the exact same way
we would wish them
to view and judge us.

So my prayer today
is that you help us
see ourselves in other people,
and treat them as we wish
they would be treating us.

Also, please have mercy on my soul,
sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

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