Dear God
Today Martin Copenhaver wrote in the “Still SPeaking” Devotional about
How God hates Whiners?
I mean I can be a whiner
and I want to believe that you love me no matter how whiney I am..
I whine about injustice
I whine about the snow
I whine about corporate greed
I whine about the heat
I whine about world hunger
I whine about having a job that seems meaningless much of the time
I whine about military violence
I whine about provincial life
I whine about all manner of things..
I have tried to discourage that behaviour in my children
Sometimes successfully and others not so.
Dear God help me undertand that you love me
even when I am whining
and help me find ways to express my disatisfaction with the way things are
in positive and UNWHINEY ways.