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Lent Day 20—19 March 2009 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Lent Day 20—19 March 2009

Hi God,

If I had my druthers,
I’d prefer not to find myself
becoming old and crotchety.
I can probably cope with the getting old,
it’s the getting crotchety I’d like to escape.
Still, it’s a bit tough not being crotchety
when, on the sixth anniversary
of the invasion of Iraq,
no one much seems to care.

[REDACTED: intemperate rant]
You know what is in my heart.

My prayer today
is that you can help us learn:
that we’re all in this together;
that war and economic malaise are related;
that we only solve the one, by addressing the other.

Also, please have mercy on my soul,
sinner though I daily be.


— Larry Piper


  1. Dear God,

    I know (and You know) that I can’t bring myself
    To believe that You’re there.
    For the moment though,
    Let me suspend my to-the-bone skepticism
    And ask You for a favor.
    Please do not remove Larry’s crochetude,
    At least not all of it….
    You’ve had experience with that trait
    In some of Your favorite prophets.
    Seriously – What’s one more crochety prophet to You?
    Plus, since we humans seem intent on killing ourselves
    And Larry is intent on trying to stop us,
    I think he’s gonna need a bit of Crochetude
    For the long lonely road ahead.


    Roy · Monday March 23, 2009 · #

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