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An Invitation to Abundant Life | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

An Invitation to Abundant Life

(several days ago the prayer journal invited us to find a favorite scripture…I opened up to one of the many post-its in my Bible and landed on Isaiah, chapter 55. later in the day I wrote this alternative…)

Come! Bring nothing; you need not pay.
Listen to me.
I promise to be with you forever –
without exception.
Seek God; call upon God.
Turn from any evil ways and return to God.
God will be merciful.

The way God thinks are not the way you and I think –
God’s ways are more loving and forgiving.
You’ve seen how rain and snow fall to water the earth
to nurture seedlings, plants and trees…
God’s word works like this too,
feeding and sustaining us, God’s loved children.

Hear these promises:
the mountains and hills will sing for joy.
No weed will sprout up, rather the tree of life –
a reminder of God’s everlasting love.

— Gay Williams

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