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3/12/09 Prayer for The Iraqi Journalist | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

3/12/09 Prayer for The Iraqi Journalist

Dear God,

This morning I heard that the journalist who threw his shoes at the US President was sentenced to three years in prison.

The report went on that he was unperturbed by the sentencing. He had thrown his shoes in frustration and screamed out that it was for the widows and orphans of Iraq that he threw the shoes at the Dog. As the consequences of his actions were being handed down in an Iraqi court the man was at peace with the situation, I suppose because he had the sense of having taken some action even an action as futile as thrown shoes.

A three year sentence

Considering he could have been given the death sentence or 15 years in prison I guess three years might seem mild. Considering the fact that the American troops have been occupying Iraq for 6 years next Friday March 20, I suppose that 3 years is in fact a LIGHT sentence.

I ask that you be with all the frustrated folks who feel as if any action to oppose the military occupations is futile, that they might take heart and encouragement from the actions of this fellow and find a sense of Peace in whatever small form of protest they settle upon.
I pray that if he does indeed serve 3 years that he emerges from prison to a country long without occupying soldiers, a country where the children are safe to play without worry of encountering IEDs, a country at peace.


— Constance Corey

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