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3/10/09 Prayer for the Gleaners | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

3/10/09 Prayer for the Gleaners

Dear God,

Thanks for the story on NPR today about the Gleaners in Paris. I think the reporter wanted us to pity the gleaners…

that they are so poor that they are PICKING through the garbage of the farmers market for the leftover produce rather than BUYING the best produce from the farmers.

And I do feel bad for the gleaners having to pick through the garbage
BUT then I also thought this activity has gone on for centuries, why should I expect it should end. ( My cynicism comes to the front)

Shouldn’t I be glad that the standards are so high that what the sellers regard as unsaleable is still quite useful..I mean a tomato that might not be good enough to slice for a sandwich could still cook up into a fine sauce. Bruised fruit can still make fine jams.

Was the grain missed by the intial harvesters in the field garbage? No it was quite useful and although it was time consuming and back breaking work the value of the leftover grain was not missed by those who needed it. What would they have done without that leftover grain. They would have suffered greater hunger than they did already.

The same with the boys who picked up the coal along the train tracks to heat their homes. It was lost as far as the railroads were concerned…. too little over too large an area to recover but it was a godsend to a cold family who could use the coal their boys brought home

So Lord TODAY I ask that you help me pick through the garbage of my thoughts and deeds and where pehaps I have deemed unusable you help me to realize the value. Help me see the sauce when I am looking for a slicing tomato. Help me find the warmth in a castoff phrase or idea. And Lord be with the hungry that they might not have to sacrafice their dignity to eat.


— Constance Corey

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