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3/9/09 regrets | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

3/9/09 regrets

Dear God

I was talking with someone the other day who was bemoaning the things they didn’t do when they were younger,, and I said “Geeee I Don’t really have any regrets”….but after greater reflection of course that’s not entirely true…I suppose we all have the things we wish we might have done or wish we had done better…

I wish I had taken better advantage of the university education when I was there and had pursued in greater depth the things I wish I knew now….Does it matter whether I know which Italian Renaissance painter painted in this style or that…whether I know the chronology of the the British Royal succession…..likely not but it just adds to depth of living.. I think for me anyway.

Does it matter that I didn’t take full advantage of being in Europe in the Army and travel every weekend…Probably not but it seems such a waste to have been there for almost 2 years and have seen no more of the German country and the continent than I did.

So I guess my prayer for today is let me not forget the opportunites I missed in an earlier time so that it might motivate me not to miss today’s opportunties as they present themselves to me.


— Constance Corey

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