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Friday End of the week beginning of the weekend | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Friday End of the week beginning of the weekend

Dear god..

Thank you for another week of employment and oh so thank you for a weekend off to enjoy it.

It’s not that I’m not grateful for the steady flow of income that eases the worries that so many of my compatriots are now suffering…It’s just that I long for a sense of meaning to the way I spend the bulk of my 9-5 time…I mean more than just the ability to support my family and the warmth of my home and plenty of food and clothes. I haven’t the strength to sacrafice that security in my life.

I do however wish that my time from 9-5 meant more than just making sure the numbers add up and recalculate and that all the commas are in the right place and that the writers aren’t spinning untruths for unsuspecting shareholders.


— Constance Corey

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