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Novocaine... | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog


Dear God

I Have questions

Why does the Novocaine work sometimes but not everytime? It is like I never know if I’m going to suffer tremendously or just have all the dread of the dental work and walk out without any pain at all….

Why are flag draped coffins necessary? I mean I understand that when they come into Dover there will be photographers who want to record the event…but why is it necessary? Shouldn’t the family have a right to say take the picture of my loved one’s final return home and print it in all the papers…show it all over the web so that everyone can see and maybe feel the terrible cost the family has been asked to pay. Shouldn’t the family have the right to say “This is a private moment here is a photo of my beloved smiling as they held their first born child. Leave the photo of the casket to our family photo album please.”

Why are the choices for so many retirees or about to retire folks just save more, lower your retirement expectations or work longer?

Why is there such an exciting lovely world out there if there is never going to be time or money to explore it?

Why do some fight so hard for others, Hiram Bingham IV, Harvey Milk, MLK Jr, and end up being asked to sacrafice so much for what they believe in?

— Constance Corey


  1. Any why do perfectly decent people become enablers for people like Fred Phelps, e.g. the little old ladies who ask, “But, dear, doesn’t the Bible say it’s wrong to be gay?”

    larry p · Friday February 27, 2009 · #

  2. Larry
    Just another reason why being in community is so much more difficult than some would have us to believe. I find it so very difficult to love those who would deny what they enjoy to other folk seeking the same acceptance and love in their lives. Can it be true this is what Jesus calls us to do? to love those little old benign yet clueless ladies…

    connie · Friday February 27, 2009 · #

  3. Indeed we are called to love those clueless ladies, and also the Baptist preachers who teach them the heresy they hold so dear.

    My problem has always been how to love them while reminding them, in a way that will get their attention, that they must re-examine their tenants. Naturally, I need to keep doing so as well. Somehow, I think Thich Nhat Hanh has figured this out, neither the Pope nor I have managed this.

    larry p · Saturday February 28, 2009 · #

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