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Prayer for the Thirty-sixth Day of Lent—30 March 2010 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer for the Thirty-sixth Day of Lent—30 March 2010

Hi God,

It seems ironic
that just a week ago
(or was it two?)
I was complaining
about the never-ending rain.
So, after a lovely respite,
you decided to send more.
I think you’re trying
to tell us something.
Perhaps that the world
isn’t ordered for our particular pleasures?
Rather we need to enjoy what is
and realize that things will change.
In theory, it’s all good, right?

So my prayer today
is to ask for help
in remembering that
we should learn
to find things to like
in whatever situation
we find ourselves,
be it endless rain,
or stifling heat
(not that I ever mind heat),
or even bone-chilling cold.
Who knows? perhaps we should
be able to find something to like
even in the presence of teabaggers.

Also, I would ask you, please,
to have mercy on my soul,
whiny sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

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