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Prayer for the Thirty-second Day of Lent—25 March 2010 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer for the Thirty-second Day of Lent—25 March 2010

Hi God,

For some reason,
I started thinking about
sowing the wind
and reaping the whirlwind.
Aparently, the Israelites
were doing that
and coming to no good.
At least that’s what
Hosea seemed to imply.

What made the idea
come into my mind
was that the teabaggers
seem to have gone ballistic.
They’re mad at everyone
and have started
issuing death threats,
both to those who
want something they do not,
and also those who
initially organized and financed them.
Hence the reference to Hosea.

But it got me thinking
about how we all
have a problem with
sowing on the wind
and reaping on the whirlwind.
It relates to the issue,
from another place and time,
about having our vision blurred
by a log in our own eyes,
all the while we’re complaining
about a speck in someone else’s eye.
So, with our blurred vision,
we often go off half cocked
and end up making things worse.

So my prayer today
is that you help us discern
the difference between logs and specks.
Also, that you teach us
the appropriate times to sow
our particular discontents
and the appropriate times
to refrain from sowing,
but instead be silent.
In silence, we can sometimes
achieve better understanding,
understanding which can lead
to a more appropriate transformation.

My prayer would also be
that you set me straight,
and also that you
have mercy on my soul,
perennially confused sinner though I be.


scriptural reference
Hosea 8:7
Matt 7:3–5

— Larry Piper

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