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Prayer for the Thirty-first Day of Lent—24 March 2010 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer for the Thirty-first Day of Lent—24 March 2010

Hi God,

It seems to me
that some people,
just like some dogs,
appear more loveable
than other people or dogs.
But generally, I’ve always found,
that once I get to know
an individual person or dog
I find things about each to like.

So, I guess my prayer today
would be to get some help
to be a bit less hasty
in judging whether or not
some being is lovable.
In theory, we’re supposed to believe
that you find us all lovable, right?
Thus there must be
something lovable about all of us,
even those false teachers and heretics
that ol’ John worried so much about.
Another prayer would be
to ask you to help us to find a way
to help those we find unlovable
to be less so.

Also, I ask you, please,
to have mercy on my soul,
confused sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

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