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Prayer for the Twenty-Third Day of Lent—15 March 2010 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer for the Twenty-Third Day of Lent—15 March 2010

Hi God,

I’m not sure
that so much
Lenten introspection
is really all that healthy.
I’m also not sure
that doing said introspection
during what seems to be
an endless nor’easter is healthy.

So my prayer today is
that you help us
half-empty types
keep the faith, so to speak,
even when it seems
not to be all that fruitful.

If you have time,
I would also appreciate it
if you would look out
for those in my nerd circle
who aren’t having
such a good time of things:
you know, bi-polar step kids,
testicular and kidney cancers,
those kinds of things.

Then, if you don’t mind,
I would also ask you, please,
to have mercy on my soul,
gloomy sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

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