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PrayerForTheTwenty-secondDayOfLent—13March10 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog


Hi God,

For the most part,
the weather didn’t get ugly
until our peace vigil
was mostly completed.
In another time, people might have said,
“the Good Lord was watching over us”.
I’m not sure I believe that.
I doubt you care much whether or not
we get cold and wet when we vigil for peace.
In a way, you might prefer
that we vigil in ugly weather.
It might show more commitment on our parts,
and that might please you more.

However you do view it,
I surely would like it
if you could manage
to convince more people
in my neck of the woods
to think that peace was a worthy goal.
Either that, or convince me
that all this senseless killing
serves some divine purpose.

I also ask you, please,
to have mercy on my soul,
confused sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

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