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Prayer for the Twentieth Day of Lent—11 March 2010 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer for the Twentieth Day of Lent—11 March 2010

Hi God,

According to today’s
Epistle o’ Day,
old Peter got himself pretty exercised
over false prophets and false teachers.
It seems, even back in the day,
“there was nothing new under the sun”.
Peter claims false prophets
had been around centuries before him,
and, apparently, were continuing
to do a fine business during his day.
Which is to say,
the Elmer Gantry’s of this world,
much like the poor, it seems,
have, and continue to be,
always been with us.

In another week,
we celebrate, if you can use that word,
the seventh anniversary
of the invasion of Iraq,
something that I never thought
made much sense at the time.
I still don’t see how it made sense.

My problem today,
comes with the mash up of the above two threads:
I don’t think that invasion would ever have happened
had not Christians in the U.S. ardently supported it.
Thus I have a quandary,
either my perceptions have been clouded
by some kind of false-prophet-induced heresy,
some fundamental misunderstanding
that I picked up in Sunday School,
or else a large fraction of my fellow Christians
have suffered that fate.
Either way, it seems,
we’ve got lots of false prophets,
and false teachers,
feeding some group of us
a load of bunk.

So my prayer today
is to ask you to speak a bit more plainly.
As things currently stand,
your message for us
appears to be falling on too many deaf ears.
Those of us who are falling for the bunk
need a clearer understanding.
It would be a true blessing if, as Peter exhorts us
that we “all…be of one mind,
sympathetic, loving toward one another…”
We’re not going to achieve that vision,
if we can’t agree on the virtue, or lack thereof,
involved in something so simple as the invasion of Iraq.

I also ask you, please,
to have mercy of my soul,
conflicted sinner though I be.


Scripture References
2 Peter 2
1 Peter 3:3

— Larry Piper

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