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Prayer for the Thirteenth Day of Lent—3 March 2010 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer for the Thirteenth Day of Lent—3 March 2010

Hi God,

I don’t have much interest
in sniffing piles of snow
or little tufts of grass.
I’d much rather pass them by,
rapidly moving on
to my ill-defined destination.

There are some I could mention,
who don’t feel this way at all.
They take great delight
in sniffing one thing or another;
they are in no hurry to move along
to no place special.

So my prayer today
is that you remind me
that it is sometimes a good idea
to suppress my own instincts
so that others can find
more joy in their lives.
Who knows? Perhaps their joy
will be catching and I’ll
find a bit more joy myself?
One can always hope.

Also, I ask you to please
have mercy on my soul
impatient sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

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