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Prayer for March 1 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer for March 1

Wow, it’s March already and
I hardly feel like the Christmas decorations
have been stored away.
Maybe because a few stragglers
still abide in my sight.

Paperwork continues to pile up.
I trick myself by reshuffeling the mounds
that I have dealt with some of it, but no.

I promise to do things and then forget
to follow through, creating more stress.

Help me, at least for today,
to feel forgiven for yesterday’s failings
and to start anew with fresh hope that
I can do whatever I need to do today
with your help, dear God.

Oh, and be with all our kids and their kids
and extended relationships,
and our parents and relations,
as we cannot
be everywhere like you can.


— Joan Kingston

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