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Prayer for the Sixth Day of Lent—23 February 2010 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer for the Sixth Day of Lent—23 February 2010

Hi God,

The Epistle ‘o day says, I am
    “a puff of smoke
    that appears briefly
    and then disappears”.
I understand this idea.
Do dogs understand it too?
Is that why the dogs take
such joy in the daily
gulag death march™?
Do they understand their ephemeral nature,
and therefore take joy where they can?

But what about service?
Sometimes, to be effective in service,
one faces the delayed gratification of preparation.
After all, you can’t be a choirmaster
before you learn music.
I’m confused (big surprise, huh?)

So my prayer today
is that you help us
learn to experience joy
in our preparations,
in our journeys, so to speak,
not just in our destinations.

I also ask you to please
have mercy on my soul,
ephemeral sinner though I be.


scripture reference
James 4:14

— Larry Piper

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