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Prayer for the Fifth Day of Lent—22 February 2010 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer for the Fifth Day of Lent—22 February 2010

Hi God,

Today’s Epistle o’ day said,
among other things,
    ”…the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace
    for those who cultivate peace.”
I’m not sure what this means,
bit I think it might be something good.
I don’t much care about righteousness
probably because I don’t know
what it means to be righteous,
and probably because I can’t imagine
I’d manage to be righteous in any event.
But I do think that cultivating peace
might be a fun thing to try.
Any ideas how I go about that?

My friend Roy says that
one can’t achieve enlightenment
if one strives for enlightenment.
Does peace work that way too?
If we strive for peace,
does that mean peace won’t happen.
It seems to me that a lot of folks
are busy striving for non-peace,
and they’re being quite successful.

So my prayer today
is that you give us a clue,
the merest soupçon of a hint,
as to how we cultivate peace..
Baring that, the merest glimpse
of what peace might be like would be nice.
In any event, I ask you
to please have mercy on my soul,
agitated sinner that I be.


scripture reference
James 3:18

— Larry Piper

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