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Prayer for the Second Day of Lent—18 Feb 2010 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer for the Second Day of Lent—18 Feb 2010

Hi God,

Sometimes I wonder
about people I don’t really know.
I know of them,
but don’t really know them.
So does it help them
if I pray for them anyway?
Are you more likely to help them
if you know more people care,
even people who don’t know them?

So my prayer today is to ask
that you do look in on these people,
to send your spirit to them
to provide them comfort and strength:
e.g. a guy named Tim,
who has some unspecified family crisis—
I’m guessing with an adolescent step son,
but I really have no idea—,
and a woman named Pat
who is leaving the East coast,
after having lived here
for well over 50 years,
to begin a new life in the Pacific Northwest;
and of course the gazillion people of Haiti,
who not only have tragedies by the bushel full,
caused by natural disasters,
but who also are stigmatized
by people, who claim to follow your way,
who insist the Haitians deserve their fate,
because of alleged devil worship
several centuries ago.
There are many others,
but you know them better than I.

I also ask you, please,
to have mercy on my soul,
clueless sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

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