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tuesday june 30 prayer | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

tuesday june 30 prayer

Dear God help me to appreciate the coolness of the beginning of this summer…Help me not to get crabby because the clouds and rain seem never ending…I know that the sun will shine and the heat will come on..

dear god keep the campers and their counselors safe and dry and help them to have the best experience getting to know themselves and each other and you god…

dear god bless the Iraqis as we pull out of their cities and leave them to provide greater and greater security for their people.

dear god bless those folks who travel to do mission that they can show us how we might also do mission closer to home…

dear god bless the newlyweds whether they be same gender or not that they might truly become one soul regardless.. .

Dear god thank you for continued employment.. .


Dear god thank you for the relationship my sons share withtheir grandmother it enriches all who witness it.
double amen


— Constance Corey

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