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Prayer for Weds 5/13/09 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer for Weds 5/13/09

Dear god

Thank you for this beautiful weather and help me to remember it this summer when the heat is getting me down and next winter when the snow and ice turn me into one whiney witch.

Thank you god for the security I have in my home and in my family.
Thank you for bringing folks from other places into my life to enrich and reward me with their experiences.
Thank you for my health and the health of my family.
Thank you for memory and help me not lose my memories and the capacity to remember or if I do help me to be pleasant in the moment…

I suppose God that would be one of your chief ironies wouldn’t it….I mean to take away the ability to remember from a woman who likes to plan and try to control what is going on around her…. Help me to appreciate irony


— Constance Corey

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