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Prayer for Friday, 24 April 2009 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer for Friday, 24 April 2009

Hi God,

That row of forsythia out back,
the ones left over from the cub scout gifts,
some twenty or so years ago,
are getting rather undisciplined and gangly.
I suppose for cub scouts,
undisciplined and gangly makes a certain amount of sense,
that’s kind of how I remember them,
all over the place, albeit under some semblance of control.

My life, at the moment,
is feeling undisciplined and gangly as well.
My mind is all over the place.
Let’s hope that we,
you and I together that is,
still have some semblance
of control over its various meandering distractions.
Let’s also hope, that like the forsythia,
and the cub scouts,
there can be bits of beauty in it as well,
however ephemeral those bits may be.

My friend, Connie, is, of course, correct.
It makes no sense for us to be disciplined during Lent,
but then find ourselves feeling off the hook
once Easter is past.
Allegedly, we are Easter people,
not Lenten people.
For me, however, Lent has always
made so much more sense than Easter.
So I think that’s my excuse.
Not a very good one, huh?

So my prayer today
is that we regain some semblance
of the discipline we experienced during Lent,
and thereby, remain faithful to our calling as Easter people.
Perhaps one day,
as an result of that faithfulness,
Easter will eventually make more sense to me.
Always hope, huh?

Also, please have mercy on my soul,
sinner though I have proven to be.


— Larry Piper

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