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Prayer for August 27, 2008 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer for August 27, 2008

August, as always, is slipping by too quickly.
The looked for respite of summer months is
almost behind us.
I pray that we have rested enough, laughed enough,
restored enough to energize us for the fall days ahead.
God, we have new challenges ahead of us as your church
and as your people in our country and world.
Give us the wisdom to make choices that will further your
vision of a world and people.
Help us to remember that we are not perfect and that we are
not to be judges of others around us.
You alone can judge, and we are blessed to have your mercy
that allows us to begin anew each day, with a clean slate to
make what attempts we might to please you and be your
hands and feet in our world.
Help us to be the small pebble that makes wide ripples in a pond.
Guide us and bless our doings and beings as leaves turn colors and
Life’s pace quickens once more.


— Joan Kingston

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