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Articles | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer Resources

In this section, we’ll post some articles and resources regarding the nature of prayer and various methodologies people apply to prayer. Sounds a bit dry or pedantic for something as personal as connecting with the divine, but through out the centuries, people have found prayer comprises a number of forms and they have devised methods which help initiate or enhance the prayer experience.

— Larry Piper


Quick Note about Formatting

For people who want a bit more formatting in their prayers, you can easily do some simple formatting in this blog implementation so that you can have some words show up in itallics or bold face. You can also insert small pictures or even links. Well, you can do all kinds of things, but after a bit the instructions get confusing, so I’ll stick with the four things mentioned above.

To get itallics, you just put an underscore, ‘_’, before and after the text you wish to itallicize. To make things bold, place asterisks, ‘*’, before and after. Thus,

    _itallic text_ and *bold text*

becomes itallic text and bold text

To post a picture, surround the web address (url) of the picture with exclaimation points, ‘!’. For example, if you wanted to post a photo of your baked chicken, you would write


and you would get

Finally, to post a link, surround the name of the link in quotation marks, follow with a colon and then the address associated with that name. No spaces. For example, to get to our church’s home page you might write

    "First Congregational Church of Reading, U.C.C.":

and you would get, First Congregational Church of Reading, U.C.C., which will, indeed, take you to our church’s web page.

— Larry Piper
