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Page 7 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer for the Seventeenth Day of Lent—8 March 2010

Hi God,

I guess like most days
this one was mixed.
I spent too much time
on things not that important
and left things that might
be important, undone.
It’s all a bit unsettling.

On the other hand,
it was nice having our daughter
return from her graduate school visit
safe and sound
and in such good spirits.

So my prayer today
is to ask you to remind us
that things just “are”.
Some things seem good
and some seem less so.
It is not our job,
however, to judge them
because we don’t know
how things subsequently will ensue.

Also, I ask you, please,
to have mercy on my soul,
conflicted sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

Prayer for the Sixteenth Day of Lent—6 March 2010

Hi God,

I was reading yesterday
about a protein that aids forgetfulness.
I’m not so sure that’s a good thing.
I know I’m not supposed
to criticize you and your creation,
but, I don’t really see how
being even more forgetful
than I already am
is a good thing.
Rather, I’m thinking that
I could use a protein
that aids remembering;
particularly, remembering
to stay mindful of you and
of the tasks to which I’ve been allotted.

So my prayer today is that
you help us overcome
our forgetfulness proteins,
and instead help us
to become more mindful
of how we live in the world
and how we interact with your creation.

I also ask you, please,
to have mercy on my soul,
forgetful sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

Paryer for March 5th

Lent is marching on, as usual,
leaving me in a state of confusion
as to where the time to reflect and
meditate, and yes, concentrate more
on You has gone.
Why does that always happen?
Where is my resolve, or discipline,
por whatever is needed to do these
seemingly simple things?
God, help me to cherish the moments of
Lent, and in so doing, cherish you


— Joan Kingston

Prayer for the Fourteenth Day of Lent—4 March 2010

Hi God,

I’ve been thinking about
    Lady Gaga,
    Pat Robertson, and
    Jim Bunning;
also Matthew and Zaccheus,
    folks in the “tax collection” racket.

It seems that
in olden days,
tax collectors weren’t nerds,
    with pocket protectors
    and degrees in accounting,
but rather more like racketeers,
    hence not exactly reputable.

So, Jesus had dinner
with Matthew and Zaccheus
and people were scandalized.
I’m guessing that were some of us
to have dinner with
    Lady Gaga,
    Pat Robertson or
    Jim Bunning,
some folks today
might find themselves scandalized.
But those scandalized regarding Lady Gaga
might find Pat or Jim
    perfectly respectable…
    …and vice versa.
I’m also guessing that Jesus
would find a way
to take pleasure in the company
of all these different folks.

So my prayer today
is you help us learn
to see past the superficial things
we don’t like about some people
and to find things we can like
regarding said people.
If, in fact, we are the body of Christ,
i.e. the manifestation of Jesus in today’s world,
then shouldn’t we be able to view people
in the same way that Jesus did?
It sounds so simple,
but appears to be so hard
for most of us
(or maybe just me).

I also ask you to, please,
have mercy on my soul,
judgmental sinner though I be.


Scripture Reference
Mat 9:9–13
Luke 10:1–10

— Larry Piper

Prayer for the Thirteenth Day of Lent—3 March 2010

Hi God,

I don’t have much interest
in sniffing piles of snow
or little tufts of grass.
I’d much rather pass them by,
rapidly moving on
to my ill-defined destination.

There are some I could mention,
who don’t feel this way at all.
They take great delight
in sniffing one thing or another;
they are in no hurry to move along
to no place special.

So my prayer today
is that you remind me
that it is sometimes a good idea
to suppress my own instincts
so that others can find
more joy in their lives.
Who knows? Perhaps their joy
will be catching and I’ll
find a bit more joy myself?
One can always hope.

Also, I ask you to please
have mercy on my soul
impatient sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

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