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Prayer for March 17th

Hi God,
Thank you for the ability to bail water
for the energy to haul sub pumps out of deep holes,
for a sense of humor when pump hoses burst and
shower us with more water.
Thanks for electricity to run the pumps
and neighbors who think to offer help to one another.

Difficult weather issues always seem to serve to
remind us of our need to be mindful of others.
Strangers and neighbors we seldom see or
think to communicate with are, at least temporarily,
present and participants in our difficulties.

Thanks reminders of our commonality and
aid us in remembering that on the sunny days


— Joan Kingston

Prayer for the Twenty-Fourth Day of Lent—16 March 2010

Hi God,

The rains finally ceased;
Hazel came back;
so did grandpuppy.
Things should become
a bit more pleasant,
also more lively,
for us two old goats,
Brewster and me.
I expect that is a good thing:
less time for brooding
and self indulgence,
more time for serving.
Thank you for a return
to normalcy.


— Larry Piper

Prayer for the Twenty-Third Day of Lent—15 March 2010

Hi God,

I’m not sure
that so much
Lenten introspection
is really all that healthy.
I’m also not sure
that doing said introspection
during what seems to be
an endless nor’easter is healthy.

So my prayer today is
that you help us
half-empty types
keep the faith, so to speak,
even when it seems
not to be all that fruitful.

If you have time,
I would also appreciate it
if you would look out
for those in my nerd circle
who aren’t having
such a good time of things:
you know, bi-polar step kids,
testicular and kidney cancers,
those kinds of things.

Then, if you don’t mind,
I would also ask you, please,
to have mercy on my soul,
gloomy sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper


Hi God,

For the most part,
the weather didn’t get ugly
until our peace vigil
was mostly completed.
In another time, people might have said,
“the Good Lord was watching over us”.
I’m not sure I believe that.
I doubt you care much whether or not
we get cold and wet when we vigil for peace.
In a way, you might prefer
that we vigil in ugly weather.
It might show more commitment on our parts,
and that might please you more.

However you do view it,
I surely would like it
if you could manage
to convince more people
in my neck of the woods
to think that peace was a worthy goal.
Either that, or convince me
that all this senseless killing
serves some divine purpose.

I also ask you, please,
to have mercy on my soul,
confused sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

Prayer for March 13th

We set our clocks ahead tonight.
Tomorrow,, when we awake, it will be darker
and with the rain clouds, more bleak.
But, tomorrow the night sky will come later,
promising a feeling of extended opportunity
to DO or BE.
I guess it’s the ying/lang thing, take and give.
Your universe is that way, with tides and seasons.
Christ’s promise is to take away sin and provide
new life with forgiveness.
Now, to recognize this taking and giving in our lives,
to remember that, “to every thing, there is a season
under Heaven”
and to praise you for this blessing

— Joan Kingston

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