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Mark of Humility, Mark of Hope

Ash Wednesday,
the beginning of a winding, potentially tortuous walk…
We are marked with “the gritty, humble, dirty, sacred mark of God – the Cross”1

Now marked, we are reminded – as though we need reminding –
of how vulnerable we are,
of the suffering that goes on around us, that goes on in our own lives…
broken hearts and fractured bones,
loved ones robbed of life by disease,
jobs lost, futures uncertain, today’s outcome questionable

But we are reminded as well of the gift that comes with that sacred mark –
reminded of a gentle washing away of the sooty dirt that accumulates in our lives,
of the sacrificial love made evident for once and for all
as the body of God’s own, took the shape of the cross
and set us free

I pray that this smudged and gritty mark will move beyond the confines of my head
to etch my heart and soul,
reminding me for the next forty days and more
of the love I experience in daily acts of kindness,
marking me with the light-charged, hope-filled, sacred mark of God –
the Cross.

1Before the Amen: Creative Resources for Worship, Pilgrim Press, 2007, pg. 50

— Gay Williams

Ash Wednesday Prayer—25 February 2009

Hi God,

Here it’s Ash Wednesday again.
We begin a time when
we try to be more faithful.
The truck I passed today,
on my way back from the prayer vigil,
said, “Do or not do. There is no try”.
I guess that means either
we will be more faithful for a time
or we will not.
It sounds too black and white to me.
I prefer the point of view
I learned from meditation,
to paraphrase,
“now and again is good
regular is better”.
That says to me that
merely striving has merit,
even when we fall short occasionally.

So my prayer today
is that you help us
actually to pray every day during Lent,
but, if we only pray now and again,
help us to realize that
even that will be good.
Also, I ask you please
to have mercy on my soul
sinner though I surely be.


— Larry Piper

prayer for dancers

Dear Dancing Delight

God how joyous to be able to watch as they learn to dance…

The girls on point …..oh so thin and strong and serious and so quite quite lovely…..
The new girls just getting a feel for this thing called dance… some loving it clearly and some just thrilled the trimester is finished…
The boys dance…brave for giving it a try…brave for trying something new that doesn’t always win raves with their male peers but helps gain a foot in the door with the girls above…the boys having fun just the same but still hoping for rock climbing next term…Take me to the River…..

God help make him strong and brave and true so that if dancing is “fun” he’ll keep on and if rock climbing is his true dream that he gets a chance to try that too….


— Constance Corey


God, be with us in distress, whether it be of mind, body or soul.
Help us to see that which is you in our deepest bewilderment, sorrow, and longing.
Allow the presence of those around us to be of comfort, assistance or assurance.
May each day being a sense that you are present with us, even when we do not see a positive solution to our situation.
Guide us on our journys and bring us closer to you.

— Joan Kingston

Monday Feb 23 Prayer

Dear Creative God

How you must enjoy the spectacle of your children as they acknowledge and celebrate the creative gifts you endow them with.

I am so grateful for the musical artists among us whether they delight my ears with the sound of joyous or sorrowful music… either one.

I am so grateful for the visual artists whether they paint, sculpt or transform their very beings to tell a story to help us learn and experience the lives of others.

Oh and dear God thank you for the dress designers who have given us such delight as we glimpse into another world and see the red carpet of Hollywood all asparkle and aglow as even the least likely of us imagine ourselves in the 60 year old dress of a fairy princess brought to life….


— Constance Corey

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