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3/9/09 regrets

Dear God

I was talking with someone the other day who was bemoaning the things they didn’t do when they were younger,, and I said “Geeee I Don’t really have any regrets”….but after greater reflection of course that’s not entirely true…I suppose we all have the things we wish we might have done or wish we had done better…

I wish I had taken better advantage of the university education when I was there and had pursued in greater depth the things I wish I knew now….Does it matter whether I know which Italian Renaissance painter painted in this style or that…whether I know the chronology of the the British Royal succession…..likely not but it just adds to depth of living.. I think for me anyway.

Does it matter that I didn’t take full advantage of being in Europe in the Army and travel every weekend…Probably not but it seems such a waste to have been there for almost 2 years and have seen no more of the German country and the continent than I did.

So I guess my prayer for today is let me not forget the opportunites I missed in an earlier time so that it might motivate me not to miss today’s opportunties as they present themselves to me.


— Constance Corey

Lent Day 11—9 March 2009

Hi God,

I’m thinking about saints today.
Saints like my mother,
and my father-in-law,
both of whom have pretty much run their courses,
and saints like the people on the search committee,
and those special people who baked
those wonderful cookies for yesterday’s coffee hour.

In one way or another,
these saints have been blessings in my life.
I thank you for their lives
and for your bringing them into my own.

Please guard and watch over them
so that they can continue
to do your work in this world,
but also so that they can know
how much we need and appreciate their efforts.

Also, please have mercy on my soul
sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

Prayer fo March 8

I pray for insight today,

that I might be aware ao ways I can be of service
to those around me who need my help;

that I might glean from my daily interactions
wisdom to use when situations arise that are best served
by cautious words or actions;

that I might might think less of “I” and more of “Thee”,
awaiting the Spirit to guide and inspire.


— Joan Kingston

3/8/09 prayer for Patience

Dear God..

Thanks for my sister’s birthday, yesterday. She has become such a good mom and it is a wonderful thing to see how delightful her twins are. Her patience and even keeled approach to life is something I could really learn from. if I would..

Thanks for beautiful music and new venues. The wooden surrounding of Jordan Hall are really as gorgeous as the Baroque music itself. Thanks for dancers and different ways to experience Opera.

Help me find the patience the music and my sister inspire.


— Constance Corey

Lent Day 10—7 March 2009

Hi God,

We’re both off to see
elderly parents today.
So, my prayer today is pretty simple,
help make our travels
peaceful and reflective,
and our visits with our elders
enjoyable, and if necessary, productive.


— Larry Piper

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