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Page 24 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Lent Day 24—24 March 2009

Hi God,

I’m feeling particularly stupid today.
Please remind me that
stupidity is only
a temporary state of affairs.
Like all things in life,
my stupidity is impermanent.

Remind me that,
while I’m being stupid,
I can still fetch the laundry
from the basement.
In fact, doing so,
would not be
such a stupid thing.

Also, please have mercy on my soul,
sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

March 24, 2009 Whiners

Dear God

Today Martin Copenhaver wrote in the “Still SPeaking” Devotional about

How God hates Whiners?


I mean I can be a whiner
and I want to believe that you love me no matter how whiney I am..

I whine about injustice
I whine about the snow
I whine about corporate greed
I whine about the heat
I whine about world hunger
I whine about having a job that seems meaningless much of the time
I whine about military violence
I whine about provincial life
I whine about all manner of things..

I have tried to discourage that behaviour in my children
Sometimes successfully and others not so.

Dear God help me undertand that you love me
even when I am whining
and help me find ways to express my disatisfaction with the way things are in positive and UNWHINEY ways.


— Constance Corey

Lent Day 23—23 March 2009

Hi God,

I think I’m on strike today:
I seem to lack,
even more than is normal for me,
a sense of focus or purpose.

So my prayer today
is you stand by us
when we’re on strike.
Please send down your spirit
to guide us back
to the track
created for our lives.

Also, please have mercy on my soul,
sinner though I be, more than ever.


— Larry Piper

Monday March 23, 2009

Dear God,

Please be with Andrei’s family.

How hard must it be to be an ocean away from your precious only son,
knowing that he is doing well but loving him and missing him just the same.

Please be with his mom as she works
not one
not two
but three jobs
in an effort to support her children’s dreams.

Please be with his dad as he waits
for the economy to imporve
so that folks will again be taking trips
requiring a driver
thus providing income for their family.

Please be with his sister as she learns
to be an 18 year old that can help
as her mom waits
for the return of her brother.

Please be with Andrei
that he continues to hold on to his dedication and drive

and that the world and especially the universities
will recognize what a jewel and remarkable young man he is
and reward him with the opportunity to study
so that he might continue to be a blessing to folks yet to meet him.

Dear God

thank you for sending Andrei into our life,

it is so good for my boys to know him.


— Constance Corey

Sunday Thanksgiving

Thank you for the everyday blessings that I take for granted
for waking up relatively healthy
for a warm home and taxes that are paid,
for delicious food available when I desire it,
for famiily whose love I share and for caring friends,
for the joy of seeing the sun rise or set in all its glory,
for crocuses blooming now in my yard,
for rebirth after a long winter,
for your unending love of me….WOW

— Joan Kingston

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