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Page 21 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Aprilo 1, 2009

Dear God

so really what is this Connicker C worm I keep reading about….

is it like the Y2K bug that so many panicked over that never showed up cuz it never existed

or is it going to strike when no one suspects

Dear God keep us all safe from predators and mischief makers

Dear God keep us all safe from our own incompetencies

Dear God keep us all safe from our own apathetic approaches

Dear God give us motivation to particpate in a larger world than just what we can see around us..


— Constance Corey

Lent Day 30—31 March 2009

Hi God,

Those stupid lillies are trying
to take over my yard again.
Basically, they’re weeds
but they don’t seem to know that.
I suppose I should honor
their irrepressible nature.
Every spring, they pop up
and try to reclaim more lawn.

When they get a bit larger,
Brewster finds that they make
a rather lovely bed.
He thinks there is nothing finer
than lying among the lillies
on a hot, summer day.

So my prayer today
is that you help us
see good even in annoying things.
If Brewster can do that,
shouldn’t I be able to as well?

Also, I ask that you, please,
have mercy on my soul,
sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

March 30 whirlwind

My days seem to be overflowing with activity.
Work, family, friends, church and the list goes on.
I don’t know how I can fit another thing in..

Thank you for work, family, friends, church and…
for without them my life would be empty and unfulfilled.
Thank you for opportunities to fee useful and alive when I
might otherwise feel useless and desparing.

Continue to grant me strength to do whatever it is that I do
and the wisdom to realize that even in the small things in live
you are there.


— Joan Kingston

Lent Day 29—30 March 2009

Hi God,

Sometimes it seems
a lot easier
to identify problems
than to find solutions.
If we could have
“the light of the world”
shine into our hearts,
perhaps finding solutions
would become easier.

So my prayer today
is that you help us
unshutter our hearts
so that your light
can shine into them.
That way, we’ll not only
know what things are wrong
but will find ways to fix them.

Also, I ask that you, please,
have mercy on my soul,
sinner though I be.


— Larry Piper

Monday March 30, 2009 Song is strong

Dear God
What praise
What beautiful sounds from Ellington on

The tap tap tap of the high snare
and the sound of the rich baritone

Song is strong indeed

The cello of Sam Ou
and sax of Willie
the clarinet and organ
the soprano
and poetry of so many lyricists raising their voice in praise

Let the memory of the song and the praise carry me through the week.


— Constance Corey

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