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Page 18 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Lent Day 38—9 April 2009

Hi God,

I know you like ostriches;
you said so in Job.
But, help us not to be like them,
with our heads in the ground,
ignoring injustice around us.

But also, please God,
help us not to resort to injustice ourselves,
when we try to right wrongs we see;
and also help us not to consume ourselves in bitter fury,
when we feel impotent in the face of injustice.

I know there is a middle ground
between ignoring and being torn apart.
Help us to find that middle ground.
Help us find peace
help us be peace
help us spread peace.

Also, please have mercy on my soul,
futile sinner that I be.


— Larry Piper

Thursday April 9, 2009


Dear God
Help me not to fear the unknown

A problem throughout history

the history of the world for other folks and
even my own history…

fear of the unknown makes me often clutch to the known not because it may be better but because it is not murky and undefined….

I like the black and white and clearly defined…
I like knowing in advance who is coming and when …
I like knowing what the expectations are …
I like knowing the rules

and very much like to play by the rules and appreciate infinetly when others also play by the rules….
sometimes I think I would rather hear a straight out NO than to live with the uncertainty of maybe….
It is easier to move forward when I understand the environment around me when things are not foggy and unclear…
I especially like when people are not afraid to plan in advance and make committments and stick to the committment…

I mean I want to ask you god to help me understand

what it is about saying YES or even making a decision and saying NO

that is so hard for folks…

and why is it so hard to know what one’s world may look like
on a given future date that you can not make a YES or NO answer…..

Why do folks seem to enjoy dragging their feet…
I guess it seems when I hesitate…
hem and haw…
it is because I want to say NO but don’t have a real reason to say NO
and so experience ?guilt?

So God help me be more understanding of folks who need what seems to me infinity to make date and time committments.
Help me not to fear the unknown and
help me to say NO even when I don’t have a good REASON so that those around me can move forward if need be.


— Constance Corey

Lent Day 37—8 April 2009

Hi God,

I suppose having all this laundry
to sort, fold and put away
must be a sign of how blessed I am.
So, please help me be reminded
of this particular blessing
as I repeat this process
It is a sort of modern, suburban form
of raking stones, huh?

So my prayer today
is that you remind us
that even though we focus
so much of our time on the mundane,
that our lives, indeed all lives,
are not mundane in your sight.

Also, please have mercy on my soul,
mundane sinner that I be.


— Larry Piper

Weds April 8, 2009

Dear God

It came in the mail yesterday
an invitation to his graduation …

like so many other signs around
just another indication that his time with us grows short

Let us fully appreciate the time we have before he flies away

And we pray that there will be a future reunion.


— Constance Corey

April 8

Thank you for wonderful people who are willing to
bare their souls on this sight
as they seek to have a closer relationship with you.

Thank you for their sharing of joys and sorrows, of
angst and musings – of thier humanity.

What a comfort to be reminded that others struggle
to find you in their lives.


— Joan Kingston

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