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Page 16 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

April 24, 2009

Dear God thanks for the wake up email

(not a wake up call any more) funny huh???

yes I see my discipline slipping away and I think about a conversation with a friend last week..
I said I thought it helped my ability to stay disciplined and keep my prayers going if I had some oversight…
an audience perhaps

now why is that??

What is it about having someone watching that helps me keep to the path..

I don’t know and I suppose this is the place where I am supposed to listen for your response… I’m not so good at waiting and listening..

But God I do stick to path better when I am in community even electronic community like this that when I am on my own…I think

it is seeing the joys and struggles of others that helps me on my own way…

So god thanks for Biking and warm weather and lots of fun activites and healthy bodies and vacation and security financial and emotional…thanks for all the blessings you have bestowed.


— Constance Corey

Prayer for Friday, 24 April 2009

Hi God,

That row of forsythia out back,
the ones left over from the cub scout gifts,
some twenty or so years ago,
are getting rather undisciplined and gangly.
I suppose for cub scouts,
undisciplined and gangly makes a certain amount of sense,
that’s kind of how I remember them,
all over the place, albeit under some semblance of control.

My life, at the moment,
is feeling undisciplined and gangly as well.
My mind is all over the place.
Let’s hope that we,
you and I together that is,
still have some semblance
of control over its various meandering distractions.
Let’s also hope, that like the forsythia,
and the cub scouts,
there can be bits of beauty in it as well,
however ephemeral those bits may be.

My friend, Connie, is, of course, correct.
It makes no sense for us to be disciplined during Lent,
but then find ourselves feeling off the hook
once Easter is past.
Allegedly, we are Easter people,
not Lenten people.
For me, however, Lent has always
made so much more sense than Easter.
So I think that’s my excuse.
Not a very good one, huh?

So my prayer today
is that we regain some semblance
of the discipline we experienced during Lent,
and thereby, remain faithful to our calling as Easter people.
Perhaps one day,
as an result of that faithfulness,
Easter will eventually make more sense to me.
Always hope, huh?

Also, please have mercy on my soul,
sinner though I have proven to be.


— Larry Piper

April 22

God, Thank you for the beauty of this morning, for the life giving rain that fell yesterday and for the ability to enjoy both.

Thank you for children and grand children and the lluxury of having them close enough to watch them grow before our eyes.

Thank you for health care professionals and their ability to diagnose and treat diseases so that we might live to love you longer.

Thank you for friends who attempt to dedicate thier lives to your service in ministry, for Carl G. and Debbie A.

Thank you for our ability to spehd our lives thanking you…


— Joan Kingston

April 17, 2009

Someone just emailed me that, at 4:05 and 6 seconds on July 8, 2009
the numbers will read 456789 and that order
will not happen again for another thousand years.
What other marvels, both large and small
happen to us that are so fleeting,
so impossible to catch and hold on to?
Some are unimportant, but interesting for a time.
Others, like the first sight of our newborn child
can be recalled forever in our memories.

God, today, help us to be aware fo those fleeting
glimpses of you that are present in our everyday
lives, just for a moment and then are gone.
Help us to keep those mements in our vision always.


— Joan Kingston

Weds April 15, 2009

Dear God …….so what now that Lent’s over ..we don’t need to weigh in with our prayers….what kind of deal is that….if I miss hearing from my pals surely you must miss hearing from them in this forum as well……….so my prayer for today is that we Easter people as we are don’t forget you and continue to examine what it is to be children of Heaven and earth……..Amen

— Constance Corey

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