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Page 15 | FCCR-ACE Prayer Blog

Prayer for Thursday, 7 May 2009

Hi God,

When I visited my mother
this past weekend,
jonquil time was almost past.
The sprays of jonquils
along the Mohawk trail
were still in evidence,
but were beginning to fade.

But, I started thinking
about jonquil nature.
They have short lives
but don’t seem much bothered by that.
They keep coming back
year after year, undeterred.

This all made me think
about my own efforts in life.
I seem to do something useful
for a short time,
but then my sprirt and activity wane
and my efforts die out.

My prayer today
is that you help me be like the jonquils.
Although my efforts may wane
after a short period,
I would that they be renewed.
Like the jonquils—who never fail to return,
to try again, so to speak—,
I pray that my efforts to be useful
will also continue to return, undeterred.


— Larry Piper

Prayer for a teenager

May 7, 2009

Dear Lord

How does 15 years pass in the blink of an eye?

My eldest sweet blond haired boy turns 15 today.
He has been such a joy and gift to me and I believe also to the rest of his family. He loves his grandma and adds her prayer concerns to our evening meal prayer very regularly.
He is hard working, responsibile and loves his kitty.
He likes drama, music and museums oh and sports here and there
He whomps on his younger brother a little too much when they play games but his brother loves him just the same and very deeply.

I don’t think there could be a better way to make a human understand the sacrafice you made for us than to give us a son of our own to love.

Dear God please bless his many years to come as you have blessed me these past years with his presence.


— Constance Corey

Tuesday, May 5

The rain sprinkling down today nurishes the soil.
Today, for me, it also seems to represent the tears fo those who
are suffering or watching loved ones suffering from debilitating illness.
Too many relatives, friends and acquaintences are doing so lately.
Too much weeping and anguish.
Too many heavy hearts and worried souls.
As you have promised, help us to remember that, through it all,
you will be there with us, even through the valley of death.
Thank you for your endless love, oh God.


— Joan Kingston

Sunday, May 3

It’s May already!
Where did April go?????
Thank you, God for yesterday, for the weather which allowed
so many hours of plant potting and garden clean out after
so many weekends of good intentions and grandchildren’s visits.
I totally agree with the poem about being closer to God in my garden
(or anyone elses, for that matter) than anywhere else,
well, ,maybe also
the ocean, mountains, streams………………
Guess I best remember your glorious gift of senses in these places and times.
It’s more difficult to appreciate your gift of life in mundane dish washing, laundry folding, grocery shopping…. and yet, these too are gifts from you,


— Joan Kingston

Tuesday April 28, 2009


What a weekend and even into this week

Lord you really know how to wake us out of our winter drearies and give us some great sunshine to keep us moving.

I have been so grateful for this warmth and open windows and know that it is still New England so there are bound to be some rainy dreary spring days ahead but for now I am ever so awed by the spring sunshine and warmth and the motivation it brings.


— Constance Corey

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